Sunday, December 14, 2008

Happy Teacher's Day!!

This video is specially dedicated to all the teachers in the world 
(esp. SMAK 5)
And we made it with Mineplex's style! HAPPY TEACHER's DAY!!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Mineplex's Snapshot

Here are some photos that taken from the preparation until the after show..! We took it just like paparazzi, so put your eyes on these shots!

YOU'RE INVITED!! And the best part is..u got these delicious Mineplex's Exclusive Popcorn!

We're not studying, we're painting!!

and painting again..

Colorful? OR...Awful?

Red Carpet entrance! Enjoy yourself watching trailers while queueing to the spot!

Yup we got the popcorn! Sure it's BIGGER than the invitation popcorn!

Step it up to the dancefloor!

Pure ready to groove you up with their music..!

Hypnosis thingy on the cellar?!? Cool.... Just make sure don't look above too much..

Relax is the main issue here, and sure these folks do it pretty well, aren't they? 

Mineplex from distance

Invasion of the shuttershade troops!

- XIIA-1 -

XIIA-1 presents...

Seminar Hipnosis MINEPLEX
Sensasi Bioskop SMAK 5 Jakarta

Karpet merah terbentang, kain hitam di mana-mana, dan MINEPLEX pun dimulai! Acara yang disuguhkan oleh XIIA-1 ini, sudah ditunggu-tunggu oleh seluruh warga SMAK 5. Aula TKK 6 ditata sedemikan rupa untuk menampilkan kesan bioskop. Acara dimulai pada pukul 11.00 WIB dengan penampilan Modern Dance sebagai pembuka acara. Seusai Modern Dance, acara pun dilanjutkan dengan seminar yang dibawakan oleh Pdt. Diana Bachrie dan Bp. Gobind Vasudev.

Seminar yang mengangkat tema “Hipnosis” ini sangat menarik minat siswa. Hal ini terbukti dari sambutan meriah para siswa. Para siswa “terhipnosis” karena Pembicara tak henti-hentinya mengundang gelak tawa yang tentu saja membuat suasana lebih bersemangat. Seusai break time, acara dilanjutkan dengan talk show. Siswa dapat bertanya kepada pembicara mengenai hipnosis lebih dalam lagi. Band Pure juga ikut memeriahkan acara ini. Band dengan 5 personil ini disambut baik oleh para siswa. Pemutaran film karya panitia pun ditayangkan untuk mengakhiri acara MINEPLEX yang berakhir pada pukul 14.30 ini.

Dari seminar ini pun para peserta lebih mengetahui bahwa hipnosis yang sering kali dicap negatif oleh masyarakat, ternyata dapat dijadikan sebagai perelaksasi diri dan alat penunjang belajar. Luar biasa!! 

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Monday, October 13, 2008

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

7 more days!

7 more days guys! keep counting

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Behind The Scene

The crews did it for the sake of SMAK5's people,but they actually got stressed and suffered accute tiredness. 

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Mineplex's Advertisement Video

Art of Mineplex

Check out our latest teaser poster and photos on DEVIANT ART (

Keep on the updates!

Here are some preview :

Monday, September 22, 2008

The Countdown Is Starting Now

What the f**k!! What the hell is this!! Holy $#!+..!!

That could be your first impression when you see that awkward name on the top of this blog.. Well time to introduce our incoming project. We, XIIA-1 of SMAK 5 present to you proudly

Mind Prescription For Relaxation

Okay.. It's true that the name seems sound weird. But that weirdo name sounds cool right??
Every name has its own background story.. And so does our project's name..

In the present time we can see that we're living in a life that can make us mad almost everyday. So do we need help?? Well why not??

Stress management is one of the way to help us overcome those kinds of situation. Believe it or not, hypnosis is one of the way that can make us more relax. Hypnotherapy occasionally used by people to release themselves from stressful condition.

School's life nowadays is one of the primary sources of stressful life for teenagers. Homework, assignment, hardly received lesson, or test almost pass by everyday. So it's not uncommon to see teenagers complain about this and that, especially in SMAK 5 itself. It is already become public secret that lesson in this school is difficult and sometimes out of our mind.

Therefore, XIIA-1, as the event organizer of Scientific Seminar on SMAK 5 look forward to bring the Stress Management and Hyponetherapy issue for our main topic of the seminar.

Wait wait wait wait!!
This whole thing is a scientific seminar!!???
"Okay it's boring. Okay i don't need that. It's useless.. I'd rather go sleep in the bedroom than fall asleep while hearing the seminar.."

That is the common first impression from lots of people while knowing that this is a seminar. But, we guarantee you that we will bring out your excitement and your curiousity. It is not just an educating seminar, but also entertaining for you all. We'll bring you the expert of the hypnotherapy itself to give you some information on how hypnotherapy can become on of the methods to overcome stress in our mind and how to make ourself more relax. Also to entertain you, there will be music perfomers, games, movies, and lot more.. So be sure to be the part of it in :


Thursday 16th October 08

Well it's free since this is include as one of the main internal activity in the SMAK 5's schedule agenda. (For internal students and teachers only.)

Make sure you'll be in the seminar and get your own prescription to relaxation!! The countdown is starting now...